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Last Updated :2024/06/26

Furuno Miharu

Regional Liaison Center

Research activity information

■ Books and other publications
  • コメディカルのための社会福祉概論
    鬼崎, 信好; 本郷, 秀和; 荒木, 剛; 今村, 浩司; 片岡, 靖子 (社会福祉学); 島﨑, 剛; 永田, 千鶴; 畑, 香理; 古野, みはる; 松岡, 佐智; 村山, 浩一郎; 渡邊, 暁, Contributor, pp.13-25
    講談社, Feb. 2023
  • 歯科衛生士国試対策集 : 第1〜31回全重要問題解説集
    歯科衛生士国試対策研究会, Contributor, pp.90-93 pp.359-361 p.383
    クインテッセンス出版, Jun. 2022
■ Research Themes
  • Development of dietary recipes for prevention of osteoporosis and improvement of oral function from the late middle age.
    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)
    Fukuoka College of Health Sciences
    30 Jun. 2022 - 31 Mar. 2025
  • Study on the training systems to foster Citizen Guardians in small- local governments
    Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research
    Fukuoka College of Health Sciences
    01 Apr. 2012 - 31 Mar. 2016